Rules & Meeting Manners

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Birds enjoy meetings too, but it's a big responsibility! Germs may be airborne or transmitted through droppings or hand-to-hand contact. To protect the health of your bird and those of others, please observe the following regulations:

  • You must be a The Parrot Club member for at least 60 days in order to bring a bird to a meeting. Non-members may not bring birds to meetings.

  • Flighted birds must be confined to cages or carriers.

  • Baby birds do not yet have sufficient immunities; if you must bring a young bird to a meeting, it must be confined to an incubator or other container with solid sides.  You may be asked to leave the bird in an isolated area of the meeting hall.

Do NOT bring the following birds to meetings:
  • Newly acquired birds (birds you have had for less than 60 days).

  • Birds that are sick or currently under treatment for illness or injury.

  • Birds that have been under treatment for an illness within the past 60 days.

  • Birds that have been exposed to sick birds.

  • Birds that have been boarded at a pet shop within the past 60 days.

  • Birds that have been exhibited in a show within the past 60 days.

  • Elderly or immuno-compromised birds.


Don’t risk a citation from the "Poop Patrol". Please clean up after your bird.  We are responsible for leaving it as we found it.  Flung foodstuffs, feathers and droppings are the responsibility of your bird’s human companion - YOU! 

Remember, even the friendliest bird can bite. Please do not touch another person's bird without their permission.

You are responsible for your avian companion. Please make sure it is supervised at all times.

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